Choose your wallpaper width

Standard Width
Standard width, is easier to handle and fit.
Standard width for all wallpapers is .58mtr (580mm) except the following four pasted wallpapers: Brushed Plaster, Canvas, Rustico and leather which is .53mtr (530mm) wide.
We work out the amount of drops required for your wall.
Please see FAQ's - General - for width measurments.

Double Width
Double width wallpaper will have less joins as the wallpaper is wider.
Double width for all wallpapers is 1.16mtr (1160mm) except the following four pasted wallpapers: Brushed Plaster, Canvas, Rustico and leather which is 1.06mtr (1060mm) wide.
We work out the amount of drops required for your wall.
Please see FAQ's - General - for width measurments.